MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

English to Hidatsa



toilet maaʔawáagi-adí N toilet
tomato micgabáa N tomato
tomorrow áadarug PPP tomorrow [lit. when the day comes]
tongue néeshi N tongue
tonsil aagáadagua waʔabáari N tonsil
too big ihdíaʔiragshibi V to be too big
too much iirágshibi V to be too much
too tight núcgiidi V to be too tight
tool maʔiháxaxe N file (tool)
tooth iihshá N teeth, tooth iisharihdía N molar (tooth) iiwarahcági N incisor (tooth)
toothache iihsharéʔe N toothache
top áaga N (the) top
top for top whipping game miʔwaaʔiibiruahge N top for top whipping game
top thin part ear ahguxiʔaruxáabi N top thin part ear
topcoat nagobíhxaaʔia N topcoat
torn irúgaraa V to be torn
tornado hucíʔihdia N tornado
touch báhdihshi V to touch núhdihshi V to touch
touch with the foot arahdíhshi V to touch something with the foot
touching núcgaadi to be barely touching
tough cahcóori V to be tough cóogi V hard, tough
tousled xáʔwi V to be tousled
towards íihdaʔiwapaagi V to point or motion towards with the mouth (by pursing the lips)
towards the center nuwáadaxaa PPP towards the center
towel maaʔiibágishi N towel
town mashíi-idaʔáwadi N town mashíiʔadi N town
toy maaʔíiwaree N a toy
toy airplane maahdí-arugiréhge N toy airplane
toy bear naxbiccíhge N toy bear
toy boat miríwaahdihge N toy boat
toy car máahdihge N toy car
toy cat buushíhge-náagahge N toy cat
toy dog mashúgahge toy dog
toy horse icúuwashgahge N toy horse
toy house adíhge N toy house
toy shool bus maagaríshda íigigawarahge toy shool bus
toy truck maaʔíigigawarahge N toy truck
track maaʔicidiʔíhgida V to track
tracks icidí N tracks, footprints
trade ihgiwagaráa V to trade maʔíihu V trade
trademark aruwaaráagi N trademark
trading post maaʔíhu-adí N store, trading post
trail aríi N trail maaʔicidiʔíhgida V to trail
trample arahdábi V to trample
transparent cirutáaʔaruʔiiga V to be transparent
transplant óhgigi V to transplant
transvestite macéhdi N transvestite (female) míahdi N transvestite (male)
trap gigúa V to trap maaʔíigigúa V to trap maaʔiiragshía N noose, snare for trapping maaʔiiʔéegshia N trap magshía V to trap maraghíite N trap nagshía V to trap
trash maashía N trash
travel ashíigsha V to travel a lot