MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

English to Hidatsa



tap the foot aradáhshi V to tap the foot
tape worm maʔúushidawaabugsha N tape worm
target maaʔarugíhge N target (lit: something you shoot at)
tassel abuhuhgaʔarucíwi N hat tassel arucíwi N tassel, a
tasseled head band maaʔixiʔaruragarúcee N tasseled head band
taste náhdihshi V to taste
tattletale iréʔgsha N tattletale
tattoo arupi N tattoo, a
taunt máaghi V to taunt
tea miráaba N tea
tea leaf miráaba N tea leaf
teach óowi V to teach
teacher aguwaagigúucgihge N teacher
team ágibi N horse, one member of a team ágibi V to harness a team
team horse aruʔágibi N a team horse
team them up horses áhgagibi V to team them up horses
teapot abacóʔhi N teapot
tear Irúxeesharakic. PH It made a tearing sound.
tear cloth to strips nubía V to tear cloth to strips
tear open núgaraa V to tear open
tear with the teeth nábee V to tear with the teeth
tears ishdáwiri N tears
tease ágawidaba V to tease gáaxuga V to joke, tease gúhbahe V to tease gúhbahe V to tease máaghi V to tease
tedious maaʔaruxíishi V to be tedious
teeth céeshiihsha N canine teeth (the) íiguuhe N teeth, front íihgacawagirigi teeth chattered, his iihshá N teeth, tooth
telephone maaʔíiʔireʔhge N telephone úuwaca-iiregíhge N telephone
television maaʔaruʔígaahge N television
tell giwéʔe V to tell mashígewe V to tell a story (story tell)
tell a story maashigiwéʔe V to tell a story
tell someone to hurry niisháb V to tell someone to hurry
temples iiccúu N temples, sides of the head
tempting iiwáʔaruʔaareci V to be tempting
ten bíraga NUM ten
tend towards an opinion maríaci V to tend towards an opinion
tenderize náshdi V to tenderize
tendon agáasha N tendon, gristle
tendons ixúaʔaruʔagaasha N tendons
tent adixáabi N tent cúahee V to pitch a tent
tent flap aruragabíxi N a tent flap
tent stake íikaadi N tent stake
tenth iibíraga tenth
tepee smoke flaps adishía N tepee smoke flaps
tepee vent flaps adíshaara N tepee vent flaps
test gigíshgia N to test
test by touching núhdishagigíshgi V to test by touching
test corn gíragshi V to test corn
testes aas ugawíʔ N testes
testicles aashugá N testicles
thank you hahó PH thank you Maacagíraac. PH Thank you.
thanksgiving ciicgarurúudish MISC thanksgiving