MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

English to Hidatsa



soften dabáahe V to soften something (e.g.. animal hide)
soften by rubbing híshdua V to soften by rubbing
soldier agumaagigúa N soldier aguwaagíguwaa N one who is a soldier
sole húubiciwahu N shoe, sole of a
sole of the foot iciwáhu N sole of the foot
solid cahcóori V to be solid gáhgoori V to be firm, stiff, solid maaragadárareesha V solid
some nuwá QUAN some
someone who has survived scalping árahu N someone who has survived scalping
someone who is different maaʔiháac PH someone who is different
someone's father áadu N someone's father
someplace nuwahgúa PPP someplace
somersault úushigibcahge N somersault
something máaruwa N something
something given to someone maaʔarugúʔe N something given to someone
something holy maaxubáa N something holy
sometime nuwáru PPP sometime
son irísha N son marisháa N son, my maríshash MISC son (to) maríshash N son (about)
son-in-law idúdi N son-in-law
song idú N song iixohgaʔihgéewaaʔidú N song, Fox Society maaʔidú N song
soot miraʔcibarushibísha N soot [lit: black ashes]
sore adá V to be sore aruʔadá N sore, an open maaʔabáagi N boil, sore
sore throat aabaxiʔadá N sore throat áabucibua N sore throat
sores aruxáaga sores aruxáaga V to have sores xáaga V to have sores
sorrel cíicirusha N sorrel (horse)
sorry naadaʔishía V to be sorry
sort gidaahéhge V to sort
sorts ooréeʔeeca N all sorts of
soul iráaxi N soul
sound aruciríawaduʔaruxawua N sound of a rattle snake birúahge N sound of a spinning top Irúxeesharakic. PH It made a tearing sound. mirá núhduxi N sound, of a twig snapping
sound of falling tree daxbáhawagi N sound of falling tree
soup húba N soup
sour arawí V to be sour xigúa V to be sour
sour milk áaciiwiri gidihgihge N sour milk
south úuwaada N south
space núuhgua N space
space between the eyes ishdáheeraru PPP the space between the eyes
spark miraʔáaga N spark
sparrow icgóobi N sparrow
spattering arábagi V to be spattering (in cooking)
speak iréʔe V to speak iréʔe V to talk
spear míradarúhdi N spear miradarúte N spear mirahíihsha N spear
speckled buuhí V to be speckled buushí V to be multicolored, speckled, striped xáxi V to be speckled
spectators maaríhshi aguʔíiga N dance spectators
spend giréeccee V to become spent néeccee V to use up
spheres iriʔíihge N marbles (small spheres)
spherical bóhorowi V to be round bóhorowi V to be spherical
spice maaʔarurúudiʔaruʔiiciccahge N spices [lit. to make food smell good]
spider awágooxi N spider
spider web awagooxidáhshu N spider web
spill ágibaahxu V to spill a liquid on something báahxu V to spill