smell or odor iríci V to have a smell or odor
smelled gubí smelled, it
smile káhcaa V to smile
smoke biʔée N smoke
smoke hole adíshi N smoke hole biʔeʔaruʔadáari N smoke hole
smoked aráshgia V to be smoked
smooth nagadía V to smooth
smooth a hide báxooxi V to smooth a hide after tanning
smooth off with the foot araxooxí V to smooth off with the foot
smooth out nagadíhe V to smooth out
smudge íbcada V to smudge maaraghápe V to smudge
snail maaʔíshbaruwiiri N snail
Snake Ceremony maabúgshaʔidawaaxubáaʔaruhiri N Snake Ceremony
snake creek Maabúgshha Aashhi N snake creek
snap in two núhcagi V to snap in two
snap or cradle in a fire arádaxbi V to snap or cradle in a fire
snapping mirá núhduxi N sound, of a twig snapping
snapping turtle náagagaa N snapping turtle
snare maaʔiiragshía N noose, snare for trapping
snatch away núhdiiwi V to snatch away
snatch away from núxahbi V to snatch something away from
sneak off áʔxuhaaree V to sneak off
sneak up on gúxicahi V to sneak up on
sneak up on someone aʔxúhahi V to sneak up on someone
sneakily axuháa sneakily
sneeze haxpí V to sneeze
snore abadáaxi V to snore
snort abashíishi V to snort
snot abxída N nasal mucous (snot)
snowbird máaraaraaga N snowbird
snowdrift máaʔarushigi N snowdrift
so long aruriiʔawágaac PH goodbye (so long until we meet again)
so that’s it hóo heʔsháwarec PH so that’s it
soak míriragshuke V to soak (leave something standing in water) nuxíce V to soak núxishi V to soak
soak through núxishaʔadeʔ V to soak through
soak up gisharéehge V to soak up íbacgishi V to soak up
soak up liquid íbacgishi V to soak up liquid with something
soaked through irúxishi V to be soaked through
soap maaʔigírushuugi N soap
soap weed maaʔihaaʔidawikáa N thistle, soap weed
soar ookácia V to soar
society barúwariiri N society
sofa maaʔíagaagi-ihdía N sofa