Slant Village awádibahcihesh MISC Slant Village
slanted báhcihe V to be slanted
slap dahsháhi V to slap
slap onto íigcudi V to slap onto
slap pancakes dahsháhihge V to slap pancakes
slaughter gidáhe V to slaughter
slave náahge N slave
sled mirawéʔecaru N sled miraʔiirucaru N sled
sleep hirawáage V sleep lightly, to hiráwi V to sleep ishdábeeri N eyes, matter from (eye goop)
sleep soundly hirawigáadi V to sleep soundly
sleepy hiráwihdi V to be sleepy
sleet béericgabetesh N sleet (lit: raven's eye matter)
sleeve maaʔiduuheeraʔáara N sleeve
sleigh miraʔiirucaru N sleigh
slender (e.g. person, thread) cóʔhi V to be slender (e.g. person, thread)
slice meat maariidí V to slice meat
slick aracúudi V to slip on a slick surface
slicker nagabíhxeʔia N slicker
slide down xarú V to slide down
slim cóʔhi V to be slim
slimy dírua V to be slimy
slip knot nagáarudi N knot, slip
slip out of place and drop nagshúdi V to slip out of place and drop
slip while climbing arashúdi V to slip while climbing
slippery, slick cúucuudi V to be slippery, slick
sliver aruʔobxagi N splinter, sliver
slope ooráhdibi N slope
slosh nagshúgi V to slosh
slow down shúwahe V to slow down
sly maaʔaruhíriwidabaaci V to be sly máaʔaʔxuhe N something done in a sly way
smack one's lips iidáhdahshiihge V to smack one's lips
smack the lips nácoobi V smack the lips
smacking sound dáhdahshi N smacking sound
small garíshda V to be little
small pox maaʔacaagihdíash N small pox xáagihdia N small pox
smallest member of the mouse family abaʔábca N the smallest member of the mouse family
smart arugíaraci smart maacagíhe V to be smart
smash nagcádaa V to smash
smash by stepping on aracádaa V to smash by stepping on
smash with the foot aracádaa V to smash with the foot
smear by steeping on íbcada V to smear something by stepping on
smear by stepping on íbgidi V to smear something by stepping on
smear on íbcada V to smear something on
smear with hands íbgidi V to smear with hands
smell múubi V to smell something