MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

English to Hidatsa



silage góoxaadixigúhe N silage
silent háheehisha V to be silent
silk maabaráhba N silk
silk hair tie maabaráhba N silk hair tie
silly íiwaruhda V to be foolish, mischievous, silly
silver múwacaʔoxaadi N silver
silver berry mírashuuwaaʔidá N silver berry
similar gigée V to be similar
simple awahéerahe V to be simple
simultaneously magshiaʔkáa ADV simultaneously
sinew macúa N sinew
sing báahi V to sing maabáahi V to sing
sing along with óoragi V to sing along with
singe arahcage V to singe
singe leg feathers arágiccee V to singe leg feathers
singed arágici V to be singed
singer aguwáaʔarurigi N background singers
single particle oorahda N a single particle
sink cibí V to sink
sink into mud dibíahguaragagare V to sink into mud
Sioux idaahácgi N Sioux
sip goʔshdáhcihii V to sip
sister idawía N boy's older sister madáagu MISC girl's younger sister (to) madáagush N girl’s younger sister (about) madahgíishash N boy’s younger sister (about) madawía N boy's elder sister (to) madawíash N boy’s elder sister (about) marúu MISC girl's elder sister (to) marúush N girl’s elder sister (about)
sit naagí sitting (positional) naagí V to sit
sit down awáagi V to sit down
sit on iiʔágaagi V to sit on
sit still xagáataraagi V to sit still
sit! awáag PH sit!
Sitting Bull gíirabiʔawaagish MISC Sitting Bull
six agáawa NUM six
sixteen axbíagaawa NUM sixteen
sixth iiʔagáawa sixth
sixty agáawahaabiraga NUM sixty
sizzle aráxiria V to be frying, sizzling
skate nagcárua V to skate
skeleton hiruwagíigshi N skeleton noogaraaxi N skeleton (animated)
skewer gibcá V to skewer mirawaaʔiigibcá N a skewer
ski miihcí N ski
skillful cagíhee V to be skillful cagíhee V to do skillfully, correctly
skin ixuaʔooráxbi N skin nahxíbi V skin nahxíbi V to skin naxbí N skin
skinny xaráxi V to be skinny
skip along icigóogirihge V to skip along
skirt idúuxi-báruwi N skirt
skunk xúhge N skunk
skunk bird xúhgidacagaga N skunk bird
Skunk Creek xúhgeʔidaʔáashish MISC Skunk Creek
sky ahbáaxi N sky ahbáaxi-dací N dark clouds/sky
slam into íigcudi V to slam into
slander noogareʔrúshbia V to slander
slant báhcihe V to slant