MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

English to Hidatsa



shirt idúuxi N shirt idúuxi N shirt, jacket, dress
shoe arasháhshi V to put on a shoe húubiciwahu N shoe, sole of a
shoe laces húubaʔiruti N shoe laces
shoe polish maaʔiishibícee N shoe polish
shoelace húubaga N shoelaces (shoe string)
shoes húuba N handle húuba N shoes idáhba N shoes, his nidáhba N shoes, your
shoot arádahe V to shoot úʔu V to hit at a distance, shoot and hit uʔuʔaxbi V to shoot
shoot and miss níagráhgici V to shoot and miss
shoot at írigi V to shoot at níʔi V to shoot at
shoot at the blue sky ahbaaxarudóʔhiriʔ V to shoot at the blue sky (idiom)
shoot off a gun or firecracker arádahe V to shoot off a gun or firecracker
shooting pain iibácaadihishahge N shooting
shore miriréeda N shore, riverbank
short báruwi V to be short itáaci-báruwi N shorts xáa V to be short
short coat meʔbʔiisha N short coat
short river awáatibaruwish N short river
short-handled riding whip íikia N short-handled riding whip
shorten barúpe V to shorten
Shoshone Maabúgsharuxbaaga N Shoshone (snake people)
shot bádaree V to get a shot
shot pouch arubóhorowiʔishi N shot pouch
shoulder iráshba N shoulder
shoulder blade áarabahxu N shoulder blade
shout báa V to shout
shovel awaʔiibáxishi N shovel báxishi V to shovel óbxishi V to shovel
show adéʔehee V to show something to someone ígaahgee V to show someone something maaʔígaahgee V to show something someone
show respect gácahcee V to show respect
showing adáʔraagi V to be showing adéʔ V to be showing
shred nubía V to shred
shrink up garáhcuxi V to shrink up
shrivel up iiʔagúuci V to shrivel up
shrivel up from heat aráhcixi V to shrivel up from heat
shrug the shoulders iráshbaxahgee V to shrug the shoulders
shut gibáadagi V to shut
shy ihgigíʔihgee V to be shy iihdóo V to be bashful iihdóo V to be shy
sibling moca ~ maca N siblings
sick ixúaʔreʔe V to be sick
sickly cahcóori V to be sickly (e.g. tight chest) maʔéecishia V to be sickly
sickly coughing xáxoori V to be sickly coughing
sickness aruʔaréʔe N pain, sickness maaʔaruragabádi N sickness maaʔaruragabádi V to be contagious maʔixúʔareʔ N sickness nagabádi V to catch a sickness
side hirugá PPP side, on this noodá N side, this oráhdibi N hill, side of
side dish maaʔiiʔíruhe N side dish
sides of the head iiccúu N sides of the head iiccúu N temples, sides of the head
sideways núwixehdaa ~ núuwixee PPP sideways
sieve maaʔiigirágciahe N sieve
sift núdohdi V to sift
sigh iríahigigshi V to sigh
sight cahí N sight, sense of vision
sign aruwaaráagi N sign maaráagi N sign
signal iiwaapáahge N signal (omen?) maapáahgee V to signal