MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

English to Hidatsa



scent iríci N scent
school maaʔagáashi-adí N school
school bus maagaríshda íigigawara N school bus
scissors hacáa V to cut (e.g. cloth), cut with scissors maaʔíicgidi N scissors
scoff úahdi V to scoff
scold iriigshí V to scold
scoop báxishi V to scoop óbxishi V to scoop
scorch arádarahe V to scorch
scout agucíishi N scout cíishi V to scout
scouting song ciishidú N scouting song
scrape nagagídi V to scrape nahxaagiruwácihge V to gather, by scraping nahxúhxi V to scrape nuugíbi V to scrape
scrape by kicking arahxáhbi V scrape by kicking
scrape by pushing along bágidi V to scrape by pushing along
scratch núhgabi V to scratch something
scratch an itch géʔe V dig, scratch an itch
scratch oneself ihgigéʔe V to scratch oneself
scratch with the toenails arahgábi V to scratch with the toenails
scream arácirihee V to scream
screech owl híihde N owl, smaller screech ixbácgi N screech owl
scythe mikáaʔiiracgiidi N scythe
scythe hay áarahdawikaaʔiracgiidi V to scythe hay
seagull cuwáawiri N seagull gáwihga N seagull
seam núbuci V to split a seam
seam where it is pieced together aruwagí N a seam where it is pieced together
search for gíiri V to search for
seashell madaʔúudishgawaʔiduwxi N my seashell (on) my dress
season miráwagute N spring (season)
seasoning for cooking maaʔiigubíhe N seasoning for cooking
second iiruubá second
secret awáagʔxua V to keep a secret Maaʔaruʔíaracic. PH It's a secret.
secretly maaʔaʔxuahíri V to do secretly
sediment máabuhgi V to be sediment
see ígaa V to see
seed cúuwi N pit (seed) ihgicée N seed
seed bead agudóʔhi N seed bead
seine muaʔiiráxa N net for fish muaʔiiráxa N seine
seldom maʔaruaruaci ADV seldom
select nagabí V to select nagapí V to select
selfish iicáa V to be selfish
selfish, stingy maaʔishía V to be selfish, stingy
sell maʔíihu V sell
senile iigiwaaʔéegetaa PH senile, he's getting naadágureta V to be senile [lit. his heart is not itself]
sense of hearing maaʔiigigú N the sense of hearing
sense of smell apára N (the) sense of smell
separate gidaahéhge V to be separate
separated agúxaa separated agúxaa V to be separated
separated from dáahee V to be separated from
September Maagirúu Mirísh MISC September
series iháaga series, last in a
set níhee to set níiha V to set