MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

English to Hidatsa



suit coat meʔbʔiisha N suit coat
suitor aguʔáagabe N suitor
Summer awaʔarée N summer
sun arugaríicga N sun, reflection of Máabiwiri adéʔec. PH The sun is shining. máabiwiri N sun
sun stroke aréeririgi N sun stroke
sun tan arábcia V sun tan
sunbeam míriʔooragaadi N sunbeam
sunburn arábcia sunburn
Sunday mabixúbaa MISC Sunday
sundog miriwiráaʔua N sundog
sunfish muadági N sunfish
sunflower maapáa N sunflower
sunflower plant maabáaʔaa N sunflower plant
sunglasses ishdáhge óbeeshisha N sunglasses
sunlight máabiwiri aruʔoxaadi N sunlight miri aruʔawáxaadi N sunlight
sunrise miriʔadéʔe N sunrise
sunset iiwáxbidahaa PPP sunset, before míriʔiiwaxbi N sunset
supple iihadáshdaahisha V to be supple
supplies maaʔéecaʔagipa N supplies
support áshi V to support guxdí V to support
suppose háshaʔagii V to suppose iríaci V to suppose
surgical operation aruhagáca N surgical operation
surrender gowíhe V to surrender
surround íʔaxaa V to surround
swallow awashóʔorihsha N swallow (bird) icgóobi N swallow náshuudi V to swallow oorashuudi N a swallow (of something)
swamp dibíhbi N swamp
swan núuwihsha N swan
swap ihgiwagaráa V to swap
swarm núwiiri V to swarm
sway nagawíiri to sway
swear írashaadi V to swear
sweat arucawée N sweat, perspiration cawéeʔadi V to sweat
sweat house áwuaʔdi N sweat house (lodge)
sweater idúuxi N sweater
sweep nahxáa V to sweep
sweet cigúa V to be sweet
sweet corn mashii-idagoxáadi N sweet corn
sweet grass macúahca N sweetgrass
sweet pea awáa… sabóhorowi N sweet pea
sweet roll maaʔaráxipeecigua N sweet roll
sweet-leaf tea áabacigua N sweet-leaf tea
swell búa V to swell nagabúhshi V to swell
swell-up gácia V to swell-up
swift fox íixohga xadádagi N swift fox
swim miriríiri V to swim
swing iirakúci N swing nakúci V to swing
swollen búa V to be swollen gáccuuga V to be swollen
swollen throat áabacibuua N swollen throat
syrup agudírua N syrup