square arubáhxa-dóoba N square
squash gagúwi N squash gaguwibúushi N squash gagúwihdia N squash (mature) gáguwiraaga N squash (baby) gáguwuuci N squash (dried)
squat icíhbiʔawaagi V to squat down
squeak cóobi V chirp, to squeak
squeeze firmly cacúkaa rúdabi V to squeeze firmly
squeeze juice out núhgishi V to squeeze juice out
squeeze liquid out núhgishi V to squeeze liquid out
squeeze through ágirudaagadaari V to barely squeeze through
squint ishdaxíhihge V to squint
squirm gishagáskeʔria V to squirm
squirrel cíhbcoobi N squirrel, Richardson Ground
squirrel, tree (generic) gohgogshí N squirrel, tree (generic)
squirt out nácgaadi V to squirt out
squish with the foot aragíshi V to squish with the foot
stab báhsaa V to stab
stab at bácaadi V to stab at
stack gáhxee V to stack
staff midaʔíicagi iiducábi N staff miraráshgubhe N staff
stagger nagawíiri V to stagger
stagnant water mirigidóʔohihge N stagnant water
stained irúxishi V to be stained
stair íiʔahta N step (part of a stair)
stairs maaʔiiarádiʔaruxarua N escalator [lit. stairs that flow up]
stake íikaadi N stake
Stale Hut clan maxóoxadi MISC Stale Hut clan (aikali lodge clan)
stalk aradáhxi V to stalk
stallion núagsha N stallion
stammer iréʔdahda V to stammer
stand still xagáataraharee V to stand still
standing nahí V to be standing
stare maʔéehgedoc V to stare into space
stare at íhgaawahiri V to stare at
starquilt ihgaréexiʔuuwagi N starquilt
start aʔcúahge V to start out on a trip gidíriahge V to start a machine madéehiri V to start
start out aʔacúahgee V to start out do something
start to matée V to start to
start to go matéere V to start to go
startle íhgaraaxice V to startle
stay mahgú V to stay
steal asháari V to steal
steal a woman aʔgaráa V to steal a woman
stealthily hóopaa V to be stealthy
steam buʔé steam
steep máagu high, steep)
stem aruhúuba N handle or stem (the) húuba N stem maaʔaruragabagíʔaa N stem of a flower
step íiʔahta N step (part of a stair)