rinse mouth iiʔawahuʔúaʔshkuhe V to rinse mouth
ripe corn goxáadiʔidaʔoori N ripe corn
river awáati N river
riverbank awáatireeda N riverbank miriréeda N shore, riverbank úuwaca arugirishdá-adí N riverbank
roach maʔóote N roach headdress
road junction aríiʔarushahsha N road junction
roan horse xaxacía N horse, roan
robin iiwagihishí N robin
rocking nagadáhdi V to be rocking
roe muaráaga N roe
roll gáageʔe V to roll
roll hay míkagáageʔhe V to roll hay
roll up bácgubi V to roll up
roof ádiʔishida N the crest or roof ridge of a house
roof of the mouth aagáada N roof of the mouth
root aruʔihdúudi root aruʔihdúudi N root icíhgida N root of a tree úudi N base, root (the)
rose micgabáaʔaruragabagi N rose
rose hip micgabáa N rose hip
rot xúusha V to be rotted
rotten búa V to be rotten
round gagíxi V to be round
routine heʔsheegsha N routine
row of corn goxáadiʔoragcihge N row of corn
rub bágishi V to rub
rub between the palms núshdua V to rub between the palms
rude arucáawiʔishia V to be rude haada widába V to be rude
ruffle bádohdi V to ruffle
ruin ishíhe V to ruin
rules maʔaríigihge N rules
rumbling daradóori rumbling
rumor maaʔarágiweʔe N rumor
rump naxbí N rump
run after someone áʔaxiruhdi V to run after someone
run away gáraa V to run away
run down núugipe V to run down
run into arahdábi V to run into