MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

English to Hidatsa



pumpkin gagúwihdia N pumpkin
punch báhaci V to punch a hole with an awl
puncture báxuudi V to puncture
punish iriigshí V to punish
puppy mashúgagaasha N puppy mashúgaraaga N puppy
purchase maʔíiha purchase nuhcí V to purchase
purple máshibishaʔaruwirihisha V to be purple
purr buushíhge abáxawua N purr, cat's buushíhge aruʔiríiahi N purr, cats
pus idúuri N pus
push bácaa V to push bácarua V to push bágiria V to push báxarua V to push
push away bágiria V to push away
push back & forth núubacáhdaabáxaru V to push back & forth
push hard into something soft báhxagi V to push hard into something soft
push out báshgi V to push something out
push over báhxua V to push over
push with the foot aragíria V to push with the foot
put níhee V to put níiha V to put
put away núushaa V to put away
put back on gúahee V to put back on
put clothes on ókadaa V to put clothes on
put lights out hápegiwic V to put lights out
put on arasháhshi V to put on a shoe Iigúahac. PH He/She gets dressed.
put on one's shoes arasháhshi V to put on one's shoes
put on over like a blanket ía V to be inconspicuous ía V to put on over like a blanket
put out cía V to be extinguished (out), cooled off, out
put out the light gaccí V to put out the light
put thing together makíhee V to put thing together
put things in a line nagcíhgee V to put things in a line
put under water abádibi V put under water abátibi V to put under water