MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

English to Hidatsa



praise worthy maaʔarugadéceehahga V to be praise worthy
praising song gicúuriawaaʔidú N praising song
prance aradáhxi V to prance
pray giwagéʔe V to pray maagiwagéʔe V to pray
preacher aguwaagiwagéʔe N preacher
pregnant eeríhdia V to be pregnant
premature birth aruʔiiwaduhíida N premature birth
premonition maʔiiʔóhba N feeling that someone died maʔiiʔóhba N premonition
prepare gígshagaahge V to prepare something
President maʔárudahga N President
press out liquid or fluids bácgishi V to press out liquid or fluids
press with the toes aracgábi V to press with the toes
pressure nudáadi V to apply pressure with the hand
presume háshaʔagii V to presume iríaci V to presume
pretend hashagigéehisha V to pretend
Pretending-to-be-a-dog song mashugaʔihgee waaʔidú N Pretending-to-be-a-dog song
pretty cagíhdi V to be pretty
price íiwashi N the price, the cost, the value
prickly pear bacgiriaʔóʔge N prickly pear
priest goxadagubáahi N priest, corn (corn priest)
prison maaʔorútadi N prison
prisoner náahge N prisoner
probably cóocopeehira PH probably won't do it right, he
problem maaʔiiʔúudi N problem maaʔooráadaxirúxi N a problem
procrastinate iiʔoorúucaruariahiriʔii V to procrastinate
procreator aguwáaʔiraaga wadúhe N procreator
promise giiwagáci V to back out of a promise írashaadi V to promise
prong arucáawi N prong (something sticking out) maaʔiiʔiráhbi N prong (something to prick with)
pronghorn úuwi N pronghorn
pronghorn antelope aashíbca N pronghorn antelope
property idawaʔée N property
prosper arucagáacihgidaaruwi V to prosper
protect íhgigishi V to protect
proud cagíria V to be proud
proverbs maaʔarushéhge N proverbs
provisions maaʔéecaʔagipa N provisions
provoke hashíce V to provoke
pubic hair iriʔíi N pubic hair (male)
pubic hair (female) sharaʔíi N pubic hair (female)
pudding máaragaba N pudding
puddle mirixábugi N puddle
puff up gácia V to puff up nagabúhshi V to puff up
puffy gácia puffy
pull núcarua V to pull
pull down mixdáhdaragaahi V pull down núhxa V to pull down
pull or twist hair nuuxuuda V to pull or twist hair
pull out núshgi V to pull out
pull teeth íisharuhshga V to pull teeth
pulsate núhshishi V to pulsate
pump maaʔiipí N a pump miriʔiipi N a water pump V to pump