poison maaʔirúshgua N poison núshgua poison
poison ivy miráboodi N poison ivy
poke at bácaadi V to poke at
poke into báshahshi V to poke into
poke out báshu V to poke something out
poke someone in the eye báshahshi V to poke someone in the eye
pole post íbci N pole post
policeman íiwagiwaarihe N policeman
polish garicgá V to polish
pommel naaxukeʔáhdu N pommel (of a saddle)
poncho nagabíhxeʔia N poncho
pond mirixábugi N pond
poor thing girasháaci N poor thing girasháaci V to be pitiful girasháaci V to be poor
poplar madáabuushi N poplar, birch (tree)
popping or cracking noise dahdáhxi V to make a popping or cracking noise
popping sound bohsháhi N popping sound
porch míreeʔiiguhba N porch
porcupine abáariʔi N porcupine
porcupine quill abáariʔi N porcupine quill
porcupine tail comb abáariʔciida N porcupine tail comb
Porcupine Worker's song aguwáarecgidú N Porcupine Worker's song
portrait idawaaʔáagashi N portrait, photo
possess éʔe V To possess
possession maaʔaruʔé N possession, a
possible aruhéʔshahahga V to be possible
post office maaʔagáashi arugihgé-adí N post office
pot miráxa N pot miraxadibía N pots, earthenware
potato gáagshaa N potato gáagshareʔe N potato, Indian
potato bug gáagshidabi N potato bug
potato salad gaagsháxiguhe N potato salad
pouch oobiʔíhshi N pouch, tobacco
pound fine naxdaʔiicíihe V to pound fine
pound in nagdáree V to pound in
pounding or hammering noise díhdici N pounding or hammering noise
pour into óshee V to pour into
pour out báxua V to pour out
pout iicáa V to pout
Pow-Wow maaʔarunishígua PPP at a Pow-Wow
powdery bírabuuri V to be powdery
power aruʔiccía N power, strength
prairie awacúhga N prairie
prairie chicken cíicga N prairie chicken
Prairie Chicken Clan cíicga Prairie Chicken Clan
prairie dog cíhba N prairie dog
prairie dog's tail cihbacíida N prairie dog's tail
praise gadéʔecce V to praise