MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

English to Hidatsa



pelican abasháaga N pelican
pelvis nácgohba N pelvis
pemmican íixdi N pemmican
pen maaʔiiʔágagashi N pen
pencil maaʔiiʔágagashi N pencil
Pendleton blanket mashixáhxi N Pendleton blanket
penis aashugá N penis irí N penis
penny úuwacahiishihge N penny [lit. red dime]
people nuxbáaga N people
pepper awaxóodashibisha N pepper
peppermint hihshú N peppermint
perforated aruhóbiʔahú V to be perforated
perfume maaʔíiʔiricicahge N perfume
perhaps gúgiric ADV perhaps héʔsha ADV perhaps héʔshadoog ADV perhaps
perihelion miriwiráaʔua N perihelion
persistent nahíihaahahgu V to be persistent
person nuxbáaga N person
perspiration arucawée N sweat, perspiration
pessimistic oodaadaruubaac V to be pessimistic
pest hole íbciʔarugéʔ N pest hole
pet bágishi V to pet
petrify giwíʔhge V to petrify
peyote gácu ~ gáhcu N peyote
Peyote Eaters bácgiriaʔaguruudi MISC Peyote Eaters (N.A. church)
Peyote Prayer song gahcwaaʔidú N Peyote Prayer song
phases miriráagi N moon, change of the (phases)
pheasant cíicga N pheasant
phonograph maaʔiibáahihge N phonograph
photo idawaaʔáagashi N portrait, photo
pick at bádahxi V to pick at
pick berries maacurúu V to pick berries núu V to pick berries
pick on bádahxi V to pick on
pick out nagapí V to pick out
pick someone's pocket báshahshi V to pick someone's pocket
pick up giragapí V to pick up núcgaadi V to pick up
picket nákaadi V to picket a horse
pickle gagúwidoʔohi N pickle [lit. green squash]
pie magadaaʔawaxúgahge N pie
pieces awákasha N pieces
pig mashíi-idaraxbicí N pig naxbiccirahxúhxi V to shave a pig
pigeon máarahgu N pigeon
pigeon toed iciʔihbu wagshéʔhda V to be pigeon toed
pike (fish) muacéesha N pike (fish)
pile gáhxee V to pile maróowaaʔeʔ gáhxe N donations, a pile of
piled gáxxe V to be piled
pill maʔooráshuudi N pill
pillow náhgishi N pillow
pin íbdaree V to pin something on
pin down awáhihee V to pin down
pinch núcgabi V to pinch