MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

English to Hidatsa



moustache abíicga N moustache abúudiʔii N moustache
mouth íi N mouth íiwahu N mouth, inside the
move maxúru V to move xagáa V to move (intrans.)
move around dágaa V to move around xagáa V to move around
move away iháadah V to move away náari V to move away
move out of the way núxaruaʔihádahee V to move something out of the way
movement aruxágaa N movement maaʔaruxagáa N movement
movie iidahawarudíhge N movie, a [lit. feed the mice]
movie theater maaʔaruʔigáahge-adí N cinema
moving iiwarág xagáa V to be barely moving
mower mikíicgiidi N mowing machine, horse drawn
much ahú much dáawi INT how much, many náxia QUAN much, not too
mucous abxída N nasal mucous (snot)
mud dibía N mud
mud chimney adíshidibia N mud chimney
mule ahbihdía N mule, donkey
mule deer cíicishibisha N blacktail deer, mule deer cíidadagi N deer (mule deer)
multicolored buushí V to be multicolored, speckled, striped
mumble íiwahugireʔe V to mumble
mumps maaʔáababua N mumps
murderer aguwaadáhe N (a) murderer
muscle agáasha muscle
muscle spasms núhcixi V to have muscle spasms
mushroom xareeʔapúhga N mushroom xareeʔidaaká N mushroom
mushy cigidía V to be mushy núucgia V to be mushy
musical instrument íiwaree V to play a musical instrument maaʔiibáahihge N musical instrument
musician agubáahihge N (a) musician
muskrat cíiciruga N muskrat
mussel shell madóogiʔaashish N mussel shell
mute iréʔda V to be mute
my body maxúa V my body
my face míida N my face
my Family maadigudá N my family
my father máadu N my father
my mother mahúu N my mother
my name is Maráashi ____ héec. PH My name is ____.
my shoes madáhba N my shoes