MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

English to Hidatsa



measure igúucke V to measure núgaaxi V to measure
measuring device maaʔiigúcge N measuring device
measuring stick iigúcge N measuring stick (laying out a garden) 
meat búa V to be spoiled (meat) irú N flesh (meat) irúgshidi N meat
mechanic máahdi arugígshi-adí N car repair
medicine xubáari N medicine (Indian) xubaarishíbisha N medicine, black
medicine bag xabáariʔihshi N medicine bag
medicine bundle maabuʔuwi N bundle, medicine bundle
Medicine Ceremony maaxubáahiri N Medicine Ceremony
Medicine Creek áashid xubaari N Medicine Creek
medicine lodge xubáahirʔiadi N medicine lodge
medicine pipe íigibixubaa N medicine pipe
medicine plant xubáariʔaruwaʔabáari N medicine plant
meet íhgohbi V to meet
meet someone cáhcihee V to meet someone
meeting maaʔiréʔe N meeting
melt gicíirihgee V to melt something
membrane between the fingers maasháakeera N membrane between the fingers
memento maʔarugirushaahge N memento
Memorial Day aruragabagiʔarugúahesh MISC Memorial Day
memory maaʔarugárawi N memory, a
menstruation miaʔadáari N menstruation
meow múua MISC meow
mess up aguwaaʔishíhe V to mess up gixíhdihge V to mess up
messenger noogaréʔaguʔagéʔ N messenger
metal úuwaca N metal
metal spoon aashúuwaca N metal spoon
Meteor ihgaréexaguciidawadu N Meteor
Mexican íshbariʔoori N Mexican
mica maróoxa N mica
mice trail iidáhudarii N mice trail (in the woods)
middle héera PP between, in the middle héerabi N middle, waist (the) nuwáada N middle
middle finger shaagiʔaguruwaadíru N finger, middle (second)
midnight máahgurwaada PPP midnight
midwife maagaríshdaruhci N midwife
mighty arugíaraci V to be mighty
mildly dislike iikúhpaa V to mildly dislike
milk áaciiwiri N milk aaciwirirúcgishi V to milk (a cow) núhgishi V to milk
Milky Way magiʔaʔdiríiaʔash MISC Milky Way
mince báwici V to mince
mind maaradawíishge N mind maʔnadawaʔiishge N mind
mink nagcúa N mink
minnow muaráaga N minnow
Minot, ND maagagaʔáashish MISC Minot, ND [lit. plum creek]
mirage ishdáruhshgua N mirage
mirror meʔihgíiga N mirror
miscarriage íidawahuhaadee V to have a miscarriage iráagaraxute N miscarriage
mischievous íiwaruhda V to be foolish, mischievous, silly
miss báhgixi V to miss núhgici V to miss
miss a catch núshudi V to miss a catch