MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

English to Hidatsa



udder áccisha N udder
ugly íidishia V to be ugly ishía V to be ugly ishíahge V to be ugly
umbilical cord idaréhba N umbilical cord
umbilicus idaréhba N umbilicus
umbrella nóogci N umbrella
unable ágagiitáa V to be unable
unable to lift núxiibitaa V to be unable to lift
uncertain aráxixi V to be uncertain
unconscious ihgaráaxisha V to be unconscious
uncooked cáa V to be raw, uncooked, unripe
under mixdáa N under
understand éhge V to understand iikací V to understand
underwear itáaciʔawahuu N underwear
undo with feet aracáraa V to undo with feet
uneven gáwigaa V to be rough, lumpy, to be uneven magshiashagáadi V to be uneven
unfriendly arucáawiʔishia V to be unfriendly
unhealthy maʔéecishia V to be unhealthy
unjustifiable nagadáhdi V to be unjustifiable
unkind arucáawiʔishia V to be unkind
unknowing aráaxisha V to be ignorant, be unknowing
unmoving xagáheetaa V to be unmoving
unravel núcaraa V to unravel something
unraveled irúcaraa V to be unraveled
unripe cáa V to be raw, uncooked, unripe
unripe corn ídaʔóorida N unripe corn
unscrew núuwiirarushgi V to unscrew
unstable nagadáhdi V to be unstable
unsure ihgigíʔihgee V to be shy oodaadaruubaac V to be unsure
unsure of oneself ihgigíʔihgee V to be unsure of oneself
untamed irábareʔe V to be untamed
untie giruhshíbi V to untie núhshibi V to untie
until we meet again aruriiʔawágaac PH goodbye (so long until we meet again)
untroubled xirúxidaa V to be untroubled
unusual iháa V to be unusual íirúaʔihaa V to be unusual
up áagahda PPP upward áaguhga up
upper arm aatíru N (the) upper arm aatíru N upper arm
upper leg naxbí N upper leg
upper lip abúudi N (the) upper lip abúudi N upper lip
upright báhci V to be upright íbci N upright (n)
urinate éexi V to urinate
urinate on áagixi V to urinate on
urine máaʔaruʔeexi N urine
use up néeccee V to use up
used to iiʔóohi V to be used to
used up giréeccee V to become used up