MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

English to Hidatsa



machine gidíriahge V to start a machine
made hard by fire aráhcuke V to be made hard by fire
maggot uushigaráx N maggots (?)
maggots midéegi N maggots
magic xubáahiri V to do magic for entertainment
magpie íihbe N magpie
make ágcacgi V to make a noise at gíri V to make hirí V to make hiríhge V to have something made hiríhge V to make
make a clicking or ticking sound dahdáhxi V to make a clicking or ticking sound
make a fist shaagigibohorowihge V to make a fist
make fringes náhxawi V to make fringes
make level cúkee V to make something level
make maroon híshishepá V make something maroon
make noise cácge V to make noise cacgíhe V to make noise madáxbihge V to make noise
make offer Idaʔíiwashirashaadic. PH He/She made an offer.
make round bóhorobe V to make round
make someone nervous idaxpé V to make someone nervous
make spherical bóhorobe V to make spherical
make war magía V to make war
male animal núagsha N male animal
male singer aguwaabáahi N male singer
male traditional dancer ibíci aguwaaríhshi N male traditional dancer
man macée N man macéecagi N handsome man shigáaga N young man
man's father in law idáahga N man's father in law
Mandan aróxbagua N Mandan (people) xúura MISC Mandan tribe (a segment of the)
manner héshaa ADV manner, in that
many ahú many ahú much giʔahúhgee V to become many
map áwaʔaruʔiigagíshgi N map
marble iriʔíihge N marbles (small spheres)
March Mirée Arugibáadagi Mirísh MISC March
mare icúuwashgawihga N mare míhga N mare míhga N mare
mark aruwaaráagi N mark íaheeta V to mark maaráagi N mark
mark off núgaaxi V to mark off
marked íahetawadu V to be marked
maroon hishishéhbi V to be maroon
married Magiʔigúpaʔac. PH They are married. mágiʔuahe V to be married (of a couple only)
marry giráhee V to marry úahe V to marry (of a man) [to take a wife]
marsh dibíhbi N marsh
marvel maacágiʔagihdia marvel
mash bácadaa V to mash
match miráʔahgee N safety match, a
material mashíiʔixi N material
mature giwaaʔihdía V to mature
mature squash gagúwihdia N squash (mature)
May Icúuwashga Arugibáshgu Mirísh MISC May
maybe héshadoog ADV maybe héʔshagukirihic maybe
meadow lark míaʔaguwagisha N meadow lark
meal maaʔoorúudi N food maaʔoorúudi N meal
mean haada widába V to be mean V to mean
meaningless awahéerahe V to be meaningless
measles maaxáaga N measles