MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

Hidatsa to English



shahíiMISC Cree, Chippewa
sháraN vulva
sharaʔíiN pubic hair (female)
sharéeV to dampen
shareeheV 1to dunk 2to dip
sharéehegaateV to saturate
sharúhshiV to be roomy
sháshaV 1to be forked 2to be split 3to be bifurcated
shéeV to say
shéhbi1V to be dark in color 2N shadow
shéhguaPPP there
shéʔhguhaa1PH that's why 2ADV on account of
shéʔruADV 1there 2at that time
shíbiheV to dye black
shibíshaV to be black
shigáagaN 1young man 2fellow
shigashgeʔriV to fidget
shigíaV to be curly
shíiV 1to be blurred 2to be foggy 3to be cloudy 4to be obscure 5to be hard to see
shíibaN 1tripe 2intestines 3sausage
shiibarushagashgiN intestines of a cow
shiibíN thicket, a
shíiriV to be tawny colored
shíishiV to hiss
shíiʔri1V to be brown 2N horse, buckskin