MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

English to Hidatsa



keep awáagʔxua V to keep a secret guréʔe V to keep
keep after nahíihaahahgu V to keep after someone or something
keep an appointment íhgohbi V to keep an appointment
keeper ógureʔ N a keeper (n)
kept on gíiheʔshaaʔiirahguc kept on, repeating something
kerosene miraʔawaxaateʔarucára N kerosene
kettle idaaká N kettle idaaká N kettle, bucket miráxa N kettle
key miréeʔirushgi N key
key part maaʔiihírigaadi N key part
key tool maaʔiihírigaadi N key tool
kick iciría V to kick
kick again garabé V to kick again
Kick Dance Song giʔarabée waaʔidú N Kick Dance Song iciʔarabée waaʔidú N Kick Dance Song
kick off arashgú V to kick off arashugúhge V to kick off
kick off of araxáhpi V to kick off of
kick off the bed covers aracídi V to kick off the bed covers
kick over arahxúa V to kick something over
kick something arabée V to kick something
kick things out of the way araxáhbi V kick things out of the way
kidnap aʔgaráa V to kidnap
kidney aaxóhga N kidney
kill díhee V to kill
kill time midapéeracarahgu V to kill time
killdeer digiríi N killdeer, (bird)
Killdeer Mountains báahish MISC Killdeer Mountains
Killdeer, ND cíidadgi arudíheesh MISC Killdeer, ND
kind agdabáa V to be kind arucáawicagi V to be kind iirúa N form, kind, type
kinds ooréeʔeeca N all kinds
king abhúhgaxaawi N king (playing card)
kinnikinik miríishisha N kinnikinik (tobacco mixture) óobaruʔíaxda N kinnikinik (tobacco mixture) óobihasha N kinnikinik (tobacco mixture) óobiihasha N kinnikinik
kiss giracóobi V to kiss
kitchen maaríheeʔadí N kitchen
kite hucída íigiree N kite maaʔiigiréhge N kite
kitten buushíhge-náagahge N kitten buushíhgeraaga N kitten
knead bátagi V to knead
knee ixúaxa N knee
kneel ishuuccée V to kneel
knife méʔecci N knife
knife case meʔcíishi N knife case
Knife Clan méʔcirooga MISC Knife Clan
Knife River méʔciiʔaashish MISC Knife River
knife sheath meʔciʔishi N sheath, knife
knit nashkí V to knit
knock Mirée ragadáxarahaac. PH I hear her/him knocking at the door.
knock down báxbi V to knock down nahxúa V to knock down naxpí V to knock down from a high place
knock kneed ixúaxarudíhisha N knock kneed (knee tied)
knock off báxbi knock off
knock on nagadahxí V to knock on
knock out of place náshku V to knock out of place
knock over nahxúa V to knock over
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